Provisional Styles - Argentine IPA

Provisional Styles - Argentine IPA


Argentine IPA


Provisional Styles

Provisional Styles



A decidedly hoppy and bitter, refreshing and moderately strong Argentine pale ale. The clue is drinkability without harshness and best balance.


Intense hop aroma with a citrusy and floral character derived from Argentine hops. Some clean malty sweetness and caramel may be found in the background, but should be at a lower level than in English examples. Fruitiness from esters and light phenols from fermentation of wheat may also be detected in some versions, although a neutral fermentation character is usual. Some alcohol may be noted in stronger versions. No DMS. The diacetyl is a high demerit because it can cover aroma hops, and never should be present.


Color ranges from medium gold to medium reddish copper; some versions can have an orange-ish tint. Should be clear, although unfiltered dry-hopped versions or with unmalted wheat may be little hazy. Good head stand, persistent.


Hop flavor is medium to high, and should reflect an Argentine hop character: citrusy, grapefruit and tangerine peel must be dominant. May have some floral character like orange blossoms, or herbal and resinous, although it is less common and should only add complexity. Medium-high to very high hop bitterness, although the malt backbone will support the strong hop character and provide the best balance. Malt flavor should be low to medium, and is generally clean and malty sweet although some caramel or spicy flavors from wheat, malted or unmalted, are acceptable at low levels. No diacetyl. Low fruitiness is acceptable but not required. The bitterness may linger into the aftertaste but should not be harsh. Medium-dry to dry finish, refreshing. Some clean alcohol flavor can be noted in stronger versions.

Mouth Feel

Medium-light to medium-bodied mouthfeel without hop-derived astringency, although moderate to medium-high carbonation can combine with wheat to render an overall dry sensation in the presence of malt sweetness. Some smooth alcohol warming can and should be sensed in stronger (but not all) versions. Body is generally less than in English counterparts, and more dry than American counterparts.


An Argentine version of the historical English style, developed in 2013 from Somos Cerveceros Association meetings, when its distinctive characteristics were defined. Different from an American IPA in that it is brewed with wheat and using Argentine hops, with its unique flavor and aroma characteristic. Based on a citrus (from Argentine hop) and wheat pairing idea, like in a Witbier. Low amounts of wheat are similar to a Kölsch grist, as is some fruitiness from fermentation.


Pale ale malt (well-modified and suitable for single-temperature infusion mashing) with up to 15% wheat, either malted or unmalted; Caramel malts should be limited and preferably be caramel wheat. Argentine hops like Cascade, Mapuche and Nugget are typical, although Spalt, Victoria or Bullion may be used to add complexity; American yeast that can give a clean or slightly fruity profile. Water character varies from soft to moderately sulfate.


Type Min Max
OG 1.055 1.065
FG 1.008 1.015
IBU 35 60
SRM 6 15
ABV 5.0 6.5.

Commercial Examples

  • Antares Ipa Argenta
  • Kerze Ipa Argenta.


  • south-america