International Lager - International Dark Lager

International Lager - International Dark Lager


International Dark Lager


International Lager

International lagers are the premium, industrial, mass-market lagers produced in most countries in the world. Whether developed from American or European styles, they all tend to have a fairly uniform character and are heavily marketed. Loosely derived from original Pilsner-type lagers, with colored variations having additional malt flavors while retaining a broad appeal. In many countries, the styles will be referred to by their local country names. The use of the term “international” doesn’t mean that any beers are actually labeled as such, but is more of a categorization of similar beers produced worldwide.



A darker, richer, and somewhat sweeter version of international pale lager with a little more body and flavor, but equally restrained in bitterness. The low bitterness leaves the malt as the primary flavor element, and the low hop levels provide very little in the way of balance.


Faint malt aroma. Medium-low roast and caramel malt aroma optional. Light spicy, herbal, or floral hop aroma optional. Clean fermentation profile.


Deep amber to very dark brown with bright clarity and ruby highlights. Foam stand may not be long lasting, and is beige to light tan in color.


Low to medium sweet maltiness. Medium-low caramel or roasted malt flavors optional, possibly with hints of coffee, molasses, brown sugar, or cocoa. Low floral, spicy, or herbal hop flavor optional. Low to medium bitterness. May have a very light fruitiness. Moderately crisp finish. The balance is typically somewhat malty. Burnt or moderately strong roasted malt flavors are inappropriate.

Mouth Feel

Light to medium-light body. Smooth with a light creaminess. Medium to high carbonation.


A broad range of international lagers that are darker than pale, and not assertively bitter or roasted.


Darker versions of International Pale Lagers often created by the same large, industrial breweries and meant to appeal to a broad audience. Often either a colored or sweetened adaptation of the standard pale industrial lager, or a more broadly accessible (and inexpensive) version of more traditional dark lagers.


Two- or six-row barley with corn, rice, or sugars adjuncts. Light use of caramel and darker roasted malts. Commercial versions may use coloring agents.


Less flavor and richness than Munich Dunkel, Schwarzbier, or other dark lagers. Frequently uses adjuncts, as is typical of other International Lagers.


Type Min Max
OG 1.044 1.056
FG 1.008 1.012
IBU 8 20
SRM 14 30
ABV 4.2 6.0

Commercial Examples

  • Baltika #4 Original
  • Dixie Blackened Voodoo
  • Heineken Dark Lager
  • Saint Pauli Girl Special Dark
  • San Miguel Dark
  • Shiner Bock


  • standard-strength
  • dark-color
  • bottom-fermented
  • lagered
  • traditional-style
  • dark-lager-family
  • malty