IPA - Specialty IPA - Brut IPA

IPA - Specialty IPA - Brut IPA


Specialty IPA - Brut IPA



The IPA category is for modern American IPAs and their derivatives. This does not imply that English IPAs aren’t proper IPAs or that there isn’t a relationship between them. This is simply a method of grouping similar styles for competition purposes. English IPAs are grouped with other English-derived beers, and the stronger Double IPA is grouped with stronger American beers. The term “IPA” is intentionally not spelled out as “India Pale Ale” since none of these beers historically went to India, and many aren’t pale. However, the term IPA has come to be a balance-defined style in modern craft beer.



A very pale, hop-forward American IPA variant with a bone-dry finish, very high carbonation, and a restrained bitterness level. Can be suggestive of a sparkling white wine or Champagne. The hop character is modern, and emphasizes flavor and aroma dimensions.


Moderately high to intense hop aroma, very bright and hop-forward in the balance. Modern American and New World hop varieties provide a wide range of possible characteristics, such as tropical, stone fruit, citrusy, or white grape, but not grassy, vegetal, or herbal. Malt is subtle, neutral, and in the background, but never caramelly or overly corny-sweet. A light, clean alcohol note is optional. Very clean fermentation character; should not be yeasty.


Very pale color, ranging from very pale straw to very light gold. Crystal clear but a touch of haze is acceptable. High to very high carbonation gives a massive, rocky, billowy, white head with tight, persistent bubbles.


High to very high hop flavor, same descriptors as aroma. Low to very low neutral malt character, subtle in the balance. No strong malt flavors, no caramel. Perceived bitterness is low to very low due to the bone-dry finish and very high carbonation. Neutral to slightly fruity fermentation profile. No diacetyl. Dry to very dry finish with a fresh, hoppy aftertaste, and a clean bitterness.

Mouth Feel

Light to very light body with a spritzy carbonation (high to very high), reminiscent of a sparkling white wine. No bitter, harsh, hop-derived astringency. Alcohol warmth may be present but should never be hot.


Original concept was a sparkling wine-like IPA, although the hop character now varies more widely. Very low final gravity and high carbonation makes balance critical, often requiring a surprisingly low measured bitterness. ‘Brut’ is a wine term indicating dryness. Used incorrectly, added enzymes can cause diacetyl, which is always a flaw.


A modern craft beer style originating in 2017 at the (now closed) Social Kitchen & Brewery in San Francisco as a west coast reaction to the rising trend of east coast hazy and juicy IPAs as well as thick and sweet so-called milkshake IPAs. The style is still evolving and changing (and perhaps dying, as the beer was quite faddish in 2018-2019 in the US). Most versions seem to be morphing into low-calorie IPAs.


Pilsner or very pale base malts with up to 40% adjuncts. No crystal malt or lactose. Enzymes, such as amyloglucosidase. Highly aromatic, oil-heavy, modern American or New World hops used in a variety of late-hopping or post-boil procedures to emphasize hop aroma and flavor and to minimize bitterness. Neutral yeast.


Less malt flavor, bitterness, and color than an American IPA, and much drier and more highly carbonated. Dry-hopped like an American IPA. Similar aroma and flavor as a Hazy IPA but without sweetness and with much less haze. Very pale, highly carbonated, and dry like a Belgian Golden Strong Ale but not as strong and without Belgian yeast character.


Type Min Max
OG 1.046 1.057
FG 0.990 1.004
IBU 20 30
SRM 2 4
ABV 6.0 7.5

Commercial Examples

  • Drake’s Brightside Extra Brut IPA
  • Fair State Brewing Co-Op The Brut Squad
  • Ommegang Brut IPA


  • high-strength
  • pale-color
  • top-fermented
  • north-america
  • craft-style
  • ipa-family
  • specialty-family
  • bitter
  • hoppy