IPA - IPA - Specialty IPA

IPA - Specialty IPA


Specialty IPA



The IPA category is for modern American IPAs and their derivatives. This does not imply that English IPAs aren’t proper IPAs or that there isn’t a relationship between them. This is simply a method of grouping similar styles for competition purposes. English IPAs are grouped with other English-derived beers, and the stronger Double IPA is grouped with stronger American beers. The term “IPA” is intentionally not spelled out as “India Pale Ale” since none of these beers historically went to India, and many aren’t pale. However, the term IPA has come to be a balance-defined style in modern craft beer.



Recognizable as an IPA by balance – a hop-forward, bitter, dryish beer – with something else present to distinguish it from the standard categories. Should have good drinkability, regardless of the form. Excessive harshness and heaviness are typically faults, as are strong flavor clashes between the hops and the other specialty ingredients.


Detectable hop aroma is required; characterization of hops is dependent on the specific type of Specialty IPA. Other aromatics may be present; hop aroma is typically the strongest element.


Color depends on specific type of Specialty IPA. Most should be clear, but a slight haze is acceptable in most styles. Darker types can be opaque, making clarity irrelevant. Good, persistent head stand with color dependent on the specific type of Specialty IPA.


Variable by type, with the quality of each component dependent on the specific Specialty IPA. Hop flavor typically medium-low to high. Hop bitterness typically medium-high to very high. Malt flavor generally low to medium. Commonly has a medium-dry to dry finish. Some clean alcohol flavor can be noted in stronger versions. Various types of Specialty IPAs can show additional malt and yeast characteristics, depending on the type.

Mouth Feel

Smooth. Medium-light to medium body. Medium carbonation, generally. A background alcohol warmth can be perceived in stronger versions.


Entrants may use this category for a different strength version of an IPA defined by its own BJCP subcategory (e.g., session-strength American or English IPA) – except where an existing BJCP subcategory already exists for that style (e.g., double [American] IPA). A Session IPA is a 21B Specialty IPA with a base style of 21A American IPA with Session strength. A Double IPA is Category 22A not 21B.

Entry Instructions

Entrant must specify a strength (session, standard, double); if no strength is specified, standard will be assumed. Entrant must specify specific type of Specialty IPA from the list of Currently Defined Types identified in the Style Guidelines, or as amended by Provisional Styles on the BJCP website; OR the entrant must describe the type of Specialty IPA and its key characteristics in comment form so judges will know what to expect.


Variable by type, see individual styles