Fruit Beer - Fruit and Spice Beer

Fruit Beer - Fruit and Spice Beer


Fruit and Spice Beer


Fruit Beer

The Fruit Beer category is for beer made with any fruit or combination of fruit under the definitions of this category. The culinary, not botanical, definition of fruit is used here – fleshy, seed-associated structures of plants that are sweet or sour, and edible in the raw state. Examples include pome fruit (apple, pear, quince), stone fruit (cherry, plum, peach, apricot, mango, etc.), berries (any fruit with the word ‘berry’ in it), currants, citrus fruit, dried fruit (dates, prunes, raisins, etc.), tropical fruit (banana, pineapple, mango, guava, passionfruit, papaya, etc.), figs, pomegranate, prickly pear, and so on. It does not mean spices, herbs, or vegetables as defined in Category 30 – especially botanical fruit treated as culinary vegetables. Basically, if you have to justify a fruit using the word “technically” as part of the description, then that’s not what we mean.
See the Introduction to Specialty-Type Beer section for additional comments, particularly on evaluating the balance of added ingredients with the base beer.



A tasteful union of fruit, spice, and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The fruit and spice character should each be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product.


Varies by base style. The fruit and spice character should be noticeable in the aroma; however, note that some fruit and spices (e.g., raspberries, cherries, cinnamon, ginger) have stronger aromas and are more distinctive than others (e.g., blueberries, strawberries) – allow for a range of fruit and spice character and intensity from subtle to aggressive. Hop aroma may be lower than in the base style to better show the specialty character. The specialty ingredients should add an extra complexity, but not be so prominent as to unbalance the resulting presentation.


Varies by base style and special ingredients. Lighter-colored beer should show distinctive ingredient colors, including in the head. The color of fruit in beer is often lighter than the flesh of the fruit itself and may take on slightly different shades. Variable clarity, although haze is generally undesirable. Some ingredients may impact head retention.


Varies by base style. As with aroma, distinctive fruit and spice flavors should be noticeable, and may range in intensity from subtle to aggressive. The fruit character should not be so artificial or inappropriately overpowering as to suggest a spiced fruit juice drink. Hop bitterness, flavor, malt flavors, alcohol content, and fermentation byproducts, such as esters, should be appropriate to the base style, but be harmonious and balanced with the distinctive fruit and spice flavors present.

Mouth Feel

Varies by base style. Fruit often decreases body, and makes the beer seem lighter on the palate. Some smaller and darker fruits may add a tannic depth, but this astringency should not overwhelm the base beer. SHVs may increase or decrease body. Some SHVs may add a bit of astringency, although a “raw” spice character is undesirable.


The description of the beer is critical for evaluation; judges should think more about the declared concept than trying to detect each individual ingredient. Balance, drinkability, and execution of the theme are the most important deciding factors.

Entry Instructions

The entrant must specify the type of fruit, and the type of SHV used; individual SHV ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., apple pie spice). Entrant must specify a description of the beer, either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.


OG, FG, IBUs, SRM, and ABV will vary depending on the underlying base beer, but the fruit will often be reflected in the color.

Commercial Examples

  • Cigar City Margarita Gose
  • Firestone Walker Chocolate Cherry Stout
  • Golden Road Spicy Mango Cart
  • Kona Island Colada Cream Ale
  • New Glarus Blueberry Cocoa Stout
  • Sun King Orange Vanilla Sunlight


  • specialty-beer
  • fruit
  • spice