American Wild Ale - Straight Sour Beer

American Wild Ale - Straight Sour Beer


Straight Sour Beer


American Wild Ale

The name American Wild Ale is commonly used by craft brewers and homebrewers. However, the word Wild does not imply that these beers are necessarily spontaneously-fermented; rather, it indicates that they are influenced by microbes other than traditional brewer’s yeasts, or perhaps that they are mixed-fermentation beers. The use of the word American does not mean that the beer has to be based on a Classic Style American beer style, or that the methods are solely practiced in the United States. Base styles in this category do not have to be Classic Styles at all (although they can be); something like, “blond ale, 7%” would be fine, since the underlying style is often lost under the fermentation character.
This category is intended for a wide range of beers that do not fit traditional European sour, wild, or spontaneously-fermented styles. All of the styles in this category are Specialty-Type Beers where many creative interpretations are possible, and the styles are defined only by the use of specific fermentation profiles and ingredients. As specialty styles, the mandatory description provided by the entrant is of the utmost importance to the judge.
The styles in this category are differentiated by the types of yeast and bacteria used – see the preamble to each style for more information. We use the conversational shorthand terms used in the brewing industry: Brett for Brettanomyces, Sacch for Saccharomyces, Lacto for Lactobacillus, and Pedio for Pediococcus. See the Glossary for additional information. The Wild Specialty Beer style is for beers for other styles within this category when Specialty-Type Ingredients are added. Background levels of oak may be used in all styles within this category, but beers aged in other woods with unique flavors or barrels that contained other alcohol products must be entered in the Wild Specialty Beer style.



A pale, refreshing, sour beer with a clean lactic sourness. A gentle, pale malt flavor supports the lemony sourness with moderate fruity esters.


A sharply sour character is dominant (moderately-high to high). Can have up to a moderately fruity character (often peach, apricot, lemon, or tart apple). No hop aroma. Supportive pale malt, usually biscuity or crackery. Clean fermentation.


Very pale in color. Clarity ranges from clear to somewhat hazy. Large, dense, white head with poor retention. Effervescent.


Clean lactic sourness dominates and can be quite strong. Some complementary, bready, biscuit, crackery, or grainy flavor is generally noticeable. Hop bitterness is undetectable. Never vinegary or bitingly acidic. Pale fruit character can be moderate including a citrusy-lemony or tart apple fruitiness may be detected. Finish is off-dry to dry. Balance dominated by sourness, but some malt and estery fruit flavor should be present. No hop flavor. Clean.

Mouth Feel

Light body. Moderate to high carbonation. Never hot, although higher gravity examples can have a warming alcohol character. Crisp acidity.


A stronger version of a Berliner Weisse-type beer with less restrictive grist, and no Brett. This beer style is typically are used as a base for modern beers that are heavily flavored with fruit, spices, sugars, etc. – those should be entered in 28C Wild Specialty Beer.


German brewing scientist, Otto Francke, developed what was to become known as the Francke acidification process which allowed the traditional mixed-culture Berliner Weiss methods to be sped up and more consistent; this is also known as kettle souring. Many modern commercial sour beer examples use this method for rapid production, and as an alternative to complex barrel production.


Most or all of the grist is pale, Pils, or wheat malt in any combination. Lightly-kilned malts for more malt depth may be employed. Carapils-type malts can be used for body. Pale sugars can be used to increase gravity without body. No lactose or maltodextrin. May be produced by kettle souring, co-fermentation culture (yeast and LAB), or using specialty yeast that produce lactic acid. No Brett.


Lower gravity examples can be very much like a Brett-free Berliner Weisse. Compared to a Lambic, is generally not as acidic and has a clean lactic sourness with restrained to below sensory threshold funk. Higher in alcohol content than both.


Type Min Max
OG 1.048 1.065
FG 1.006 1.013
IBU 3 8
SRM 2 3
ABV 4.5 7.0

Commercial Examples

  • Rarely found
  • as this style is typically the base for other Specialty-Type Beers.


  • pale-color
  • top-fermented
  • sour